Android development can be a daunting task to take on, especially for self-taught developers. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication to stay on top of the ever-changing landscape of the Android development world.

The importance of staying up to date with new tools, features, and technologies cannot be overstated. It is also essential to have trusted and high-quality resources and authors to follow to stay ahead of the game and sharpen your Android development skills.

In this blog post, we will look at the best resources and people to follow to stay up to date in Android development. We will explore the various tools and technologies available to Android developers, as well as the authors and experts who are knowledgeable in the field.

By the end of this post, you will better understand the importance of staying up to date in Android development and have a list of resources and people to follow to help you do just that.

So, let’s dive in and explore the best resources and people to follow to stay up to date in Android development!

1. Newsletters

Unlike books, bootcamps, and online courses, newsletters allow readers to stay consistently updated with the latest trends and developments in the field.

Newsletters are typically curated by industry experts and contain news articles, interviews, blog posts, tutorials, case studies, and more.

To take full advantage of newsletters, readers should sign up for newsletters from trusted sources, such as industry-leading publications, and read them regularly. Doing so can help readers stay informed and ahead of the curve in the competitive software engineering and Android development world.

Here are the top 2 Android development newsletters to subscribe to!

  1. Kotlin Weekly↗: As its name indicates, it is a weekly online newsletter (every Sunday) that delivers news and trends in the Kotlin programming language. It contains articles, tutorials, and sample code for developing apps in Kotlin for Android, Web, Desktop, and other platforms. It also includes interviews with important Kotlin community members and information about future events and conferences. 
  2. Android Weekly↗: A newsletter for Android developers and enthusiasts. The newsletter provides the most recent Android platform news, tutorials, frameworks, code samples, and more. Every Sunday, you will receive an email containing valuable information and insights to help you grow and progress.

2. Blogs / Articles

Regularly reading blogs helps Android developers stay informed of the newest tools and techniques to help them create better applications and increase productivity. Additionally, blogs can provide helpful tips and tricks for debugging, optimization, and more, allowing developers to become more efficient and effective at their job.

Here are the top Android development blogs to follow:

  1. Kodeco Articles↗
  2. ProAndroidDev↗
  3. Android Developers↗: The official Android Developers’ publication on Medium
  4. Android Developers GoogleBlog↗
  5. Google Developer Experts↗
  6. Jake Wharton blog↗
  7. The Kotlin Blog↗

3. Companies

When it comes to staying up to date with the latest trends and developments in the Android industry, one of the best resources to follow is the engineering blog of tech companies.

Most tech companies maintain an engineering blog dedicated to sharing their thoughts and insights on various topics related to their products and services. The purpose of an engineering blog is to provide developers and engineers with the opportunity to learn more about the latest innovations in their fields and share their own experiences and knowledge.

  1. Square Engineering↗
  2. Engineering↗
  3. Cash App Code Blog↗
  4. Uber Engineering Blog↗
  5. Tinder Engineering↗
  6. Bubmle Tech↗
  7. Lyft Engineering↗
  8. Spotify Engineering↗
  9. Airbnb Engineering Blog↗

4. Creators

By following established Android developers and influencers, you can get access to their latest tutorials, tips, and tools, which can help you stay ahead of the curve.

Following creators on social media can also give you the opportunity to interact with them and ask questions, allowing you to get direct advice from experienced professionals.

Connecting with other developers on LinkedIn can also help you avoid isolation. It’s easy to feel alone when you’re working remotely or in a startup environment, so having other developers to talk to and share your experiences with can be invaluable.

Being part of a larger online community of Android developers can help you keep up with the latest trends and technologies, as well as provide support and collaboration opportunities.

Here is the list of creators I recommend you follow:

  1. Jake Wharton (TwitterGithubWebsite) is an influential software engineer renowned for contributing to the Android app development ecosystem. He is the creator of popular libraries such as Retrofit, Timber, and many others, helping developers create high-quality apps with ease.
  2. Jaewoong Eum/skydoves (LinkedInTwitterBlog): Jaewoong Eum is an experienced Android & Kotlin developer and Google Developer Expert. He is well-known for his open-source libraries and projects, which individuals and large companies have used. He is an expert in developing Android applications and has a great passion for software engineering. He is an active contributor to the open-source community and has authored and maintained several libraries widely used today. His expertise in Android and Kotlin has made him an important asset to the community.
  3. Mark Murphy (TwitterWebsite): is the founder of CommonsWare, an online website dedicated to Android development. Mark Murphy has a wealth of experience and knowledge in the Android development space and is passionate about helping developers create the best Android apps possible. He has written many blog posts, eBooks, and other resources dedicated to helping Android developers learn and grow.
  4. Jorge Castillo (WebsiteTwitterLinkedIn): An Android/Kotlin Google Developer Expert and one of the authors of the eBook “Jetpack Compose Internals.” He is a passionate and experienced mobile developer focusing on creating clean code and designing intuitive user interfaces. He has been involved in many successful projects and has talked at numerous conferences and meetups. His passion for teaching and mentoring others has made him a leader in the Android community.

5. Youtube Channels

Youtube has become an invaluable resource for anyone looking to learn Android development. With the vast array of videos available, it’s easy to find tutorials, courses, and guidance from experienced developers eager to share their knowledge. Watching videos is an effective way to learn the basics of Android development, as it allows the viewer to observe, interact, and follow along with the tutorials rather than having to read and understand the material.

One of the pros of learning by video is that it is often easier to retain information when seeing it presented rather than reading it. Videos also tend to be more engaging and entertaining than reading, which is especially beneficial if you have been struggling to learn a particular concept.

Additionally, watching videos is often more efficient than reading, as you can get through the material more quickly without spending time trying to understand the written text.

The key to getting the most out of Youtube videos is avoiding wasting time. Make sure to have a goal in mind before watching a video, and focus on achieving that goal instead of getting distracted by videos that don’t help you. Additionally, you should take notes while watching a video, as this will help you remember the key concepts and apply them to your own projects by taking the time.

Here are the YouTube channels that I am subscribed to:

  1. Code with the Italians↗: Youtube channel created by two Italian coders, Ivan Morgillo and Sebastiano Poggi, that features recordings from their Twitch streams. The channel features interviews, tutorials, and other topics related to Android development and programming. They also invite other guests, such as industry professionals, to join the conversations.
  2. Stevdza-San↗: Youtube channel created by Stefan Jovanović, an experienced Android developer. He provides comprehensive tutorials and courses covering various Android development aspects ranging from the basics to more advanced topics. His tutorials are easy to follow and will help developers of all skill levels get up to speed with developing apps for Android devices.
  3. Philipp Lackner’s↗ YouTube channel is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about Android development. He shares detailed tutorials and complete courses on a wide range of topics related to Android development, from the basics up to advanced topics such as custom views, app architecture, services, and more. With his clear explanations and helpful guidance, Philipp Lackner’s channel is a perfect place for new android developers to dive in and start learning.
  4. Android Developers↗ is the official Youtube channel of Google’s Android platform, providing tutorials and videos on the latest updates and features.

6. Events

In-person Events allow Android developers to stay up to date with the latest tools and techniques. Attendees can learn from the best creators, who are often invited to speak at these events. By participating, Android developers can gain insight into how other developers approach their projects and pick up valuable tips and tricks. Additionally, events offer the chance to network with other professionals, making valuable connections that can help down the line.

Additionally, developers should follow up with contacts after the event and take the initiative to connect with industry leaders. By taking the time to research the event and the speakers beforehand, Android developers can maximize their experience and establish connections.

Here is the list of the top Android events to attend:

  1. Droidcon↗ is an annual in-person event about Android development organized in cities worldwide. It provides an excellent platform for Android developers to network, learn from industry professionals, and discover new trends and technologies. Droidcon is the event for Android developers looking to stay on top of the ever-evolving Android development landscape.
  2. Google I/O↗ is an annual developer conference dedicated to Google’s latest products and technologies. It is a three-day event packed with insightful keynote presentations, interactive workshops, and hands-on coding opportunities.
There are conferences, hackathons, and meetups all over the world. Check your local communities for any upcoming events you can attend.

It’s important to remember to check this post regularly, as it will be updated with new resources and creators. With so many resources to choose from, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Remember to take action and not just consume information – take the time to pick one topic and dive deep into it.

Finally, we hope this post will help you stay informed on the latest updates and trends in the Android development community.

Good luck on your journey to becoming an expert Android developer! 🎉